RLA News & Views

RLA Member Spotlight - Walmart

March 19, 2021

This week we are spotlighting Walmart, one of our Platinum Members! Walmart has been involved with RLA starting with attending our events back in 2005. Since then they have increased their involvement serving on our RLA Industry Committees, speaking at our events, and continually serving on our RLA Advisory Board.  Many may think of Walmart as just a major big box retailer, but Walmart continues shown it's commitment to preserving the planet. 

"For more than 15 years, Walmart has been collaborating with others to drive positive impact across global supply chains."  Walmart is not just looking for a temporary fix or creating positive impact just to be recognized, but Walmart has set a goal to be a regenerative company and to be a true contributor to the Circular Economy.  Among their progress in 2019, "Walmart powered around 29% of our operations with renewable energy, diverted 80% of our waste from landfills and incineration globally, and procured more wind and installed more solar than any other U.S. company."   Walmart isn't only focused on our planet, but they also find ways to help people live better by sourcing responsibly and creating inclusive economic opportunities.

Find out more about how they use their strengths to help people live better and preserve the planet by visiting their Sustainability page: https://corporate.walmart.com/global-responsibility/sustainability/