Privacy Notice

Reverse Logistics Association respects the privacy of our customers and users of this site. This Privacy Notice identifies the practices of Reverse Logistics Association and its affiliates (collectively, "RLA") in the United States as they relate to the collection, maintenance, use and sharing of personal information (which is information that identifies you or is about you) collected through this web site. This Privacy Notice is meant to help you understand our privacy practices, including what Personal Data we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it, and how we protect it, as well as your individual rights.

Data Privacy at the Reverse Logistics Association

RLA has established a comprehensive privacy program, including a global privacy office and a chief privacy officer, designed to help us respect and protect your data privacy rights.

Reverse Logistics Association Website Privacy Statement

RLA respects the privacy of visitors to its websites; as a result, we have developed this website privacy notice. This website privacy notice applies only to the operation of websites that directly link to this notice when you click on "privacy statement" in the website footer.

Through this website RLA will collect information that can identify you, such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and other similar information ("Your Information") when it is voluntarily submitted to us (however, see discussion below about "IP Addresses" if you have a broadband connection). We will use Your Information to respond to requests you may make of us, and from time to time, we may refer to Your Information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our websites, products, and services. We may also use Your Information to contact you and/or provide you with general information about our products and services. We may also enhance or merge Your Information with data obtained from third parties for the same purposes.

Any other information transferred by you in connection with your visit to this site ("Other Information" - that is, information that cannot be used to identify you) may be included in databases owned and maintained by RLA or its agents. RLA retains all rights to these databases and the information contained in them. Other Information we collect may include your IP Address and other information gathered through our weblogs and cookies (see below).

This site may use a technology known as web beacons - sometimes called single-pixel gifs - that allow this site to collect web log information. A web beacon is a graphic on a web page or in an e-mail message designed to track pages viewed or messages opened. Web log information is gathered when you visit one of our websites by the computer that hosts our website (called a "webserver"). The webserver automatically recognizes some non-personal information, such as the date and time you visited our site, the pages you visited, the website you came from, the type of browser you are using (e.g., Windows 2000), and the domain name and address of your Internet service provider (e.g., AOL). We may also include web beacons in promotional e-mail messages in order to determine whether messages have been opened.

This website may use a technology called a "cookie." A cookie is a piece of information that our webserver sends to your computer (actually to your browser file) when you access a website. Then when you come back our site will detect whether you have one of our cookies on your computer. Our cookies help provide additional functionality to the site and help us analyze site usage more accurately. For instance, our site may set a cookie on your browser that keeps you from needing to remember and then enter a password more than once during a visit to the site.

This website uses Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses. An IP Address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider so you can access the Internet. Generally, an IP address changes each time you connect to the Internet (it is a "dynamic" address). Note, however, that if you have a broadband connection, depending on your individual circumstance, it is possible that your IP Address that we collect, or even perhaps a cookie we use, may contain information that could be deemed identifiable. This is because with some broadband connections your IP Address doesn't change (it is "static") and could be associated with your personal computer. We use your IP address to report aggregate information on use and to help improve the website.

You should be aware that this site is not intended for, or designed to attract, individuals under the age of 18. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is an individual under the age of 18.

How to Contact RLA

To contact RLA for information regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact the Web Coordinator by mail at RLA, 2300 Lakeview PKWY, Suite 700, Alpharetta, GA, 30009, U.S.A., by telephone at 1 866-801-6332, or by email at support@rla.org.

Types of Personal Information we Collect

We may request, collect and store personal information about you that includes:

  • Your name
  • Your postal address
  • Your electronic mail address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your credit card or debit card information

Product Orders: When ordering from this web site, you may be asked to provide personal information such as name, postal address, email address, telephone number, and credit/debit card information. We may use personal information to process your order. We do not share that information with third parties except to the extent necessary to complete the order.

Voluntary Customer Surveys: We may conduct business and individual customer surveys. We encourage our customers to participate in these surveys because they provide us with important information that helps us improve the products and services we offer and how we provide them to you. Personal information and responses to the survey will remain confidential, even if the survey is conducted by a third party. Participation in our customer surveys is voluntary.

We may take the information we receive from individuals responding to our customer surveys and aggregate it with the responses of other customers to create broader non-personal or aggregated responses to the survey questions (such as gender, age, residence, hobbies, education, employment, industry sector, or other demographic information). We may then use the aggregated information to improve the quality of our products and services and to develop new products and services. This aggregated information may be shared with third parties as it does not contain personal information.

Effect of Providing Personal Information

By submitting personal information, you agree to be bound by the terms outlined in this Privacy Notice.

Reverse Logistics Association Does Not Share Your Personal Information

RLA does not rent or sell your personal information for marketing by any third parties on their behalf. RLA does not engage in any form of 'spam' email or unsolicited telemarketing. Your personal information will only be used by RLA and its representatives in response to your requests for assistance or to process your product orders, with the following exceptions:

  1. We may share personal information with a third party (such as a shipping company, a) to provide you with the products that you have requested.
  2. We may share personal information when necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating this Privacy Notice.
  3. We may, for example, provide your information to agents, contractors or partners for hosting our databases, for data processing services, or so that they can mail you information that you requested.
  4. RLA reserves the right to share Your Information to respond to duly authorized information requests of governmental authorities or where required by law. In exceptionally rare circumstances where national, state or company security is at issue (such as with the World Trade Center terrorist act in September, 2001), RLA reserves the right to share our entire database of visitors and customers with appropriate governmental authorities.
  5. We may also provide Your Information with affiliates of RLA or to a third party in connection with the sale, assignment, or other transfer of the business of this website to which the information relates, in which case we will require any such affiliate or buyer to agree to treat Your Information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

How long we keep Your Information

We will retain Your Information for as long as needed or permitted in light of the purpose(s) for which it was obtained. The criteria used to determine our retention periods include: (i) the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you to participate in RLA pages; (ii) whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject; or (iii) whether retention is advisable in light of our legal position (such as in regard to applicable statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations).

Data Transfer

We may transfer the Your Information we obtain about you to recipients in countries other than the country in which the information originally was collected. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. To the extent required by applicable law, when we transfer Your Information to recipients in other countries (such as the United States), we will protect that information as described in this Online Privacy Notice.

If you are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA"), we will comply with applicable legal requirements regarding the provision of appropriate safeguards for the transfer of Your Information to recipients in countries for which the European Commission has not issued an adequacy decision.

Data Security

While we try to protect the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot and do not guarantee that our security measures will prevent unauthorized third-parties (often called "hackers") from obtaining personal information without permission. We will use reasonable efforts to protect your personal information on our internal systems, but hackers or other unauthorized persons may obtain access to your personal information without our permission.

The security of your financial information (i.e., credit/debit card information) is important to the RLA. RLA encrypts your personal and financial information. Any credit card or similar financial information is sent directly to our payment processor. We do not store any credit card or similar information on our servers Once your financial information reaches us, it resides on a server that is guarded both physically and electronically. Our servers sit behind an electronic firewall and are not directly connected to the Internet.


We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. If a child has provided us with personal information, we ask that a parent or guardian of the child contact us at the phone number or addresses stated above, and if we can find it, we will delete that child's personal information.

Cautions and Warnings

Please exercise caution when submitting personal information online. It is your responsibility to maintain the security of your passwords and other financial and personal information. Your usage of this site constitutes an acknowledgement and assumption of these risks.

Although RLA asks for your personal information on this web site in connection with providing you with services, RLA will not ask you for any personal information in any emails. RLA may send you electronic mail messages in accordance with United States law, but you should not respond to any electronic mail messages asking for your personal information, especially if the messages ask for your passwords or credit/debit card information. These messages are often called "phishing," and they are designed to steal personal information for identity theft and other bad purposes.

Revisions to this Privacy Notice

RLA reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy and our other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner, effective upon posting the revised version of this notice on this web site.

Prior Version of this Privacy Policy

This version of this Privacy Notice revised the previous Notice in many ways, including by adding Your California Privacy Rights, defined RLA to include its affiliates, and added that new versions of the Privacy Notice are effective upon posting.

Your California Privacy Rights

Your California Privacy Rights identifies the practices of Reverse Logistics Association and its affiliates (collectively, "The RLA") as they relate to the use and sharing of personal information about California residents collected through this web site. Under the law of the State of California, California residents who provide personal information via a web site or other online service, such as this web site, may request and obtain from RLA once each calendar year information about the personal information RLA shared, if any, with other businesses for their own direct marketing uses. Where applicable, this information would include the categories of personal information, and the names and addresses of those businesses with which RLA shared personal information for the prior calendar year.

To obtain from RLA the information specified by California law, please contact the Web Coordinator by mail at RLA, 2300 Lakeview PKWY, Suite, Alpharetta, GA, 30009, U.S.A., or by email at INFO@rla,org. Please note that we do not provide this information in response to telephone requests, and we generally do not provide this information to any California resident more than once per calendar year.

Terms and Conditions

This web site is published and maintained by Reverse Logistics Association and its authorized representatives. Access to or use of this web site constitutes an acknowledgement of any agreement to the Terms and Conditions outlined here. RLA reserves the right to modify or amend these Terms and Conditions and any web site content or service at any time, without notice, and without liability. Other Web Sites Links may be provided to other web sites that are not affiliated with RLA and are subject to their own Terms and Conditions of Use. These links are provided as a convenience. RLA is not responsible for any other web sites or the conduct of such third parties. RLA does not endorse other web sites and is not accountable for the accuracy of their content or for your use of other web sites.


All information and services provided on this web site are provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE. RLA makes no guarantee or warranty as to any information on this web site, or contained herein, or to any products or services sold or provided via this web site. Your use of this web site is AT YOUR OWN RISK. RLA does not guarantee the safety or security of this web site, its servers, components, equipment, code, or software. Under no circumstances shall RLA be liable for any damages or other form of relief resulting from the reliance upon information provided at this web site or the use, misuse, or inability to use this web site, or the information contained herein. Any and all products sold through this web site are subject to the written warranties, if any, included with or provided with the product.


All contents and components of this web site are the exclusive property of RLA. Images, logos, text and other content are protected by copyright and and/or trademarks and may not be used, modified, removed, or altered in any way.

Malicious uses of this material or attempts to interfere with the web site's operation are prohibited and may be punishable by law. Any material or information submitted by users of this web site to RLA are the sole property of RLA, and by submitting the materials or information you transfer to RLA ownership of and any claim to the materials or information. This web site and all content are Copyright © The Reverse Logistics Association, which reserves all of its rights.

Your rights and choices available to you

If you would like to submit a request to access, rectify, erase, restrict or object to the processing Your Information that you have previously provided to us, or if you would like to submit a request to receive an electronic copy of Your Information for purposes of transmitting it to another company (to the extent this right to data portability is provided to you by applicable law), you may contact us via our eMail address. We will respond to your request consistent with applicable law.

In your request, please make clear what Your Information you would like to have changed, whether you would like to have Your Information deleted from our database, or otherwise let us know what limitations you would like to put on our use of Your Information. For your protection, we may only implement requests with respect to Your Information associated with your account, your email address or other account information, that you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before implementing your request.

You may also opt-out from receiving electronic communications from RLA. If you no longer want to receive marketing-related emails on a going-forward basis, you may opt-out by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of each promotional email you receive from us.

Please note that we may need to retain certain information for recordkeeping purposes and/or to complete any transactions that you began prior to requesting a change or deletion (e.g. when you make a purchase or enter a promotion, you may not be able to change or delete Your Information provided until after the completing of such a purchase or promotion). There may also be residual information that will remain within our databases and other records, which will not be removed.

We will try to comply with your request(s) as soon as reasonably practicable. Please note that if you opt-out of receiving marketing-related emails from us, we may still send you important administrative messages, from which you cannot opt-out.

How you can contact RLA

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or about the way RLA uses Your Information, please contact our Data Protection Officer at the address below.

2300 Lakeview PKWY, Suite 700

Alpharetta, GA, 30009, U.S.A.

or by eMail: support@rla.org

We may update this Web site Privacy Notice from time to time. When we do update it, for your convenience, we will make the updated Notice available on this page.

Updated June 2020