RLA News & Views

Glenn Richey named to RLA Advisory Board

Reverse Logistics Association

August 31, 2023

Auburn University Professor Glenn Richey, a Harbert College of Business Eminent Scholar, was recently named to the advisory board of the Reverse Logistics Association, one of the supply chain management (SCM) industry’s most impactful professional organizations.

Often overlooked, reverse logistics plays a key role in driving today’s sustainable, circular economy by helping reduce returns, improve product recovery and keep valuable products and materials from turning into waste headed to landfills.

As the sole academic voice on the Reverse Logistics Association (RLA) Advisory Board, Richey joins a team of some of the world’s leading retailers and SCM technology providers, including executives from Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon, Dell, Cisco, HP, and Intel.

Continue reading here:  https://harbert.auburn.edu/news/richey-named-to-global-trade-related-industry-advisory-board.html

 Glenn Richey is the Harbert Eminent Scholar in supply chain management and research director in the Center for Supply Chain Innovation. His role is to help advance supply chain management research and outreach in the Harbert College of Business at Auburn University. Richey engages in industry-based research and enjoys building research and student relationships between academia and practice. In addition to his formal education, Richey has an executive certificate in international business from the University of South Carolina. Prior to entering academia, Richey worked for 10 years in managerial positions across several functional areas including procurement, sales, retail consulting, finishing/manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics/supply chain operations for two companies: Scott Paper Co. and Genuine Parts Company’s S.P. Richards Division.

Richey has published over eighty articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals since 2003 including, but not limited to: Business Horizons, Decision Sciences, Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Logistics Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Administrative Support Services Management, Journal of World Business, Journal of Services Marketing, Management Decision, Organizational Dynamics, Supply Chain Management Review, Thunderbird International Business Review, and Transportation Research.

He has won numerous awards for his research, including the Cavusgil Award for the best contribution to international marketing management in Journal of International Marketing and the LaLonde award for the best contribution in supply chain management and logistics in the Journal of Business Logistics. Richey holds a research professorship at the University of Bath (UK) and for eight years at the University of Edinburgh (UK).

Richey has been awarded multiple graduate and undergraduate teaching awards. Notably, he received the Systems and Technology Outstanding Faculty Award for teaching in the Harbert College of Business and the University of Alabama’s top teaching award—the National Alumni Association Outstanding Commitment to Teaching Award. He was also noted as the "top performer" in the University of Missouri's EMBA program for multiple years.

Richey has taught across six continents as a visiting professor and associate professor at many universities including Bahçeşehir University (Turkey), BEM Dakar, (Senegal), Bilkent University (Turkey), Bond University (Australia), Donghua University (China), University of Ghent (Belgium), Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), KEDGE (Bordeaux and Marseilles, France), Koç University (Turkey), Mediterranean School of Business (Tunisia), and University of Zagreb (Croatia). He has also led study abroad trips to countries including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Chile, China, Columbia, Croatia, the Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Greece, South Africa, Spain, and Turkey. He enjoys mentoring doctoral students and has helped place students at schools such as Auburn University, James Madison University, Mississippi State University, Iowa State University, Ohio University, Oklahoma State University, and the University of Georgia.

Richey is an associate editor at Journal of Business Logistics and the Journal of Supply Chain Management. He serves on several editorial review boards including Decision Sciences, the Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM), and International Journal of Logistics Management. Richey received Emerald Publishing’s Leading Editor Award as co-editor of IJPDLM. He is a past senior editor at Decision Sciences Journal. He maintains active memberships of the Academy of International Business, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, and the Food Industry University Coalition of the National Grocers Association. Richey's service efforts extend to many state, local, national organizations as well as governmental entities including FEMA, DHS and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

When taking a break from loving his job, Richey enjoys his travel and down-time with his wife of 30 years, Suzanne, and his two sons, Max and Rob.