RLA News & Views

RLA Membership Spotlight: goTRG!

October 7, 2020

This week we are recognizing goTRG for our RLA Membership Spotlight!  As a Platinum member of RLA, goTRG continues to show their support of the association and of the reverse logistics industry in many different avenues.  Whether they are sponsoring and often exhibiting at an event, presenting on stage or in a webinar or committee meeting,  or just participating on our RLA Advisory Board, goTRG shows they have taken an active role in leading in the industry.

goTRG transforms returns into profit driven opportunities for the world’s largest retailers and manufacturers.  A big part of goTRG's approach incorporates artificial intelligence into their practices.  "Artificial intelligence is the result of teaching a machine to observe and understand its environment. It collects data and is able to “reason” similar to the way a human can learn and think. The more data and time the machine has to learn and analyze the information it is receiving, the smarter it gets, " Sender Shamiss, President & CEO of goTRG shared.  He continued, "There may have been a time when AI was the stuff of movies, but no more. In fact, artificial intelligence, the combination of algorithms, machine learning and deep learning, is changing the way retail and e-tail looks at reverse logistics. And, with the ever-skyrocketing returns statistics, AI can’t get into supply chain fast enough. So, while some think AI is in the future, we say the future of AI begins today. In fact, at goTRG, the leading business solutions and SaaS provider for omni-channel and supply chain, we are using AI in our facilities to reduce touches and maximize recovery on returns for our reverse logistics customers."  Get Ready Reverse Logistics, AI is Here to Stay (And the Best is Yet to Come) - LinkedIn Feb. 2018

Let goTRG Go to Work for You. A fully managed goTRG solution delivers the smartest choices for every touch, movement and price decision for some of the world’s largest companies while reducing their environmental footprint. Increasing your bottom line is a mouse click away!
