RLA News & Views

ERI Provides Responsible IT Asset Disposition and E-Waste Recycling

USA Today

July 14, 2023

ERI Provides Responsible IT Asset Disposition and E-Waste Recycling to Help Businesses Achieve their ESG and Circular Economy Goals

Corporate responsibility today goes far beyond profit margins and shareholder value. Enterprises are increasingly embracing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives to create sustainable and resilient business models. Virtually every major organization in 2023 has stakeholders, investors, employees, customers and board members that want to see ESG and sustainability reports detailing the company’s efforts. And their actions must now back all their claims as well.

One of the best-kept secrets as to how companies can achieve their ESG and decarbonization goals is the responsible recycling of e-waste.

Electronic waste is no longer just the fastest growing solid waste stream in the world.  It is now the fastest growing solid waste stream by a two-to-four times margin over the second fastest growing solid waste stream.  This is because electronics have become ubiquitous in all our lives.  New automobiles are now computers on wheels, the internet of things such as Ring, Echo, Nest and all wearables have now made us hyper connected.

Spurred by increasing consumer demand for these newest technologies and the shortening life spans of these various devices, e-waste is unsurprisingly piling up in landfills both domestically and abroad at an alarming rate. Despite the steady increase in the amount of e-waste being generated each year, only 17% is being responsibly recycled, according to the United Nations.

The simple answer: businesses and all organizations should – and must – engage in the circular economy and responsibly recycle their e-waste. It’s an easy win that literally is in the palms of all our hands.

By recognizing the potential of responsible IT asset disposition (ITAD) and e-waste recycling disposal, businesses can make substantial progress in achieving their ESG and circular economy objectives.

The company that has been leading the charge in this area is Fresno-headquartered ERI, the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States. ERI has the capacity to process more than a billion pounds of electronic waste annually at its nine certified locations, serving every zip code in the United States.

ERI is the first in its industry to achieve carbon neutral status and the only recycler of electronics on the planet to be certified at the highest level by all leading environmental and data security oversight organizations to de-manufacture, recycle, and refurbish every type of electronic device in an environmentally responsible manner. On the sustainability side, ERI was the first recycler to be dual certified by both R2 and as a Basel Action Network e-steward.

Read the full article on USA Today here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/special/contributor-content/2023/07/14/eri-provides-responsible-it-asset-disposition-and-e-waste-recycling/70413609007/?utm_medium=email&utm_content=cknuNvYazKMb1yRE8LICS6f-jFomVUbJIGTaI7nvu2bEd8Bq2tzWLnyV-NJvEDoe